Last month The Sum of all Parts featured on Booklife's Indie Spotlight! Head over to for my author statement.
A piece I wrote exploring the theme of happiness has been accepted by Scribbled, and online platform that celebrates emerging creative talent. Head over to to read my piece Defini ........
The Friday Panel This week I was a guest at KCLR96FM on Brian Redmond's show The KCLR Daily. I featured on the Friday Panel, discussing the latest news. If you missed it, head over to
Head over to my social media - Instagram sara_sheeran, X @sarasheeran3, or Tik Tok @sarasheeran - to listen to me reading extracts from my debut book The Sum of all Parts. I hope you enjoy.
Head over to my Instagram page @sara_sheeran for readings from my book The Sum of all Parts. Every week or so I shall be reading from one of the 6 narrators - last week I kicked things off with The Pa ........
The Sum of all Parts is currently in stock at Easons in the Fairgreen Shopping Centre Carlow, Ireland 😊
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Maria McCann for her Saturday Café show on Waterford's WLR FM. We delved into my book, "The Sum of all Parts" discussing the inspiration behind it ........
I've just recorded an interview with Maria McCann for her Saturday Cafe show on Waterford's WLR FM. We had a great chat about my book The Sum of all Parts. Watch this space for when the show is being ........
I'm very excited to announce my involvement with Eason, Carlow, Local Author Event. Next month my book The Sum of all Parts, and myself will feature and I look forward to meeting and chatting with wri ........
Publishers Weekly Feature The Sum of all Parts is featured in this week's (28/08/23) of Publishers Weekly.
Another great review of my debut book The Sum of all Parts, plus a lovely mention on Facebook.
Check out The Sidmouth Herald for an article on my debut book The Sum of all Parts
Coming soon:The Sum of all Parts Book Event I am currently working with Easons, Carlow to organise a book event for my debut book The Sum of all Parts. Watch this space for details!
Tune in to Eimear Ní Bhraonáin's Morning Show at 10.35 am Monday 15 May on KCLR to hear me chatting about my book The Sum of all Parts.
Another chance to listen to my interview on Beat Radio's Sunday Grill!
Carlowlive featured my debut novel, The Sum of All Parts, which explores the experiences of six narrators and their different perspectives on life, love, and mental health. I observed people's b ........