What's the Story?

The Sum of all Parts is a fragmented story with traditional themes - love, betrayal, childhood, mental health, to name a few. The backbone of the story being a woman (The Wife) facing a life crisis: her only child has just left home and she is in an unhappy marriage. The themes may be traditional, but I chose to tell the story in a less traditional way. The story is told through six female narratives, The Wife, The Girl, The Woman, The Lover, The Patient, and Thoughts, flitting between the six voices in an attempt to reflect the Gestalt idea that we are each made up of different parts - heart, mind, body, spirit and so on - and that we are (despite what Aristotle suggested) greater or "other" than the sum of our parts. To paraphrase the German psychologist Kurt Kofka: summing up is meaningless, it is the whole-part relationship that matters.

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