The Sum of all Parts, is available to buy. It's real. There are pages, a cover. How did my tattered pages, covered in illegible scrawl, become that magical thing we call a book?
I have always dreamt of being a Writer and I have always been observant: watching life around me keenly, taking notes of scenarios, personalities, characteristics, dialects, turns of phrases, landscapes, interesting words - the list is endless - mentally filing them away for possible future use. I’m not certain it’s me that observes and files, ‘she’ is somehow separate, apart – she sits somewhere above my left eye, quiet yet somehow malevolent. Who knows what she will do with the information she has gathered? So The Sum of all Parts came about through observations, notes, ideas, all fermenting until they became a story that I - we? - felt was worth the telling. My initial ideas transformed by this ‘other’ into something quite new, written in a frenzy, fearful that all will be lost, forgotten.
And so I write because I have to. I have a diseased propensity for the task, an itch for authorship.

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